Jintao Xu, PhD, Boya Chaired Professor of Economics at Peking University and Deputy Dean of the National School of Development, will present the EEEP Seminar Series, “Economic Policies, Nature-based Solutions and Dual Carbon Goals in China” on August 30, 2023.
Abstract: Professor Jintao Xu will introduce China’s Dual Carbon goals and challenges facing China in the process of achieving these goals. He will then provide a review and comparison of several major economic policy tools, which can induce behavior changes in producers and consumers to achieve sustained carbon reduction. Finally, he will discuss potentials of the nature-based solution to achieve carbon neutrality, as well as the needs for institutional and policy reform in China.
Zoom Link: If you’re not able to attend in person, please join via Zoom. https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OH_kwZ__RLGTca2e56kitA
Speaker Bio: Jintao Xu is a Boya Chaired Professor of Economics at Peking University. He also is the Deputy Dean of the National School of Development. He also serves as Director of China Center for Energy and Development at the National School of Development, Peking University. Currently his research focuses on surveys and analyses of forest tenure and regulatory reform in rural China, as well as energy and development issues of China.
He was trained as a forest economist with more than thirty years of experience evaluating forest regulations, ecological restoration programs and forest sector reforms. Recently he has been involved with studies in fisheries management, air quality control, transportation management and the national climate change strategies. He consults with international organizations and national governments on issues related to forest sector reforms, conservation programs and environmental policies. He has served as an associate editor and editorial board member for the European Journal of Agricultural Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, World Development, Regional Environmental Changes, Environment and Development Economics, as well as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Jintao Xu’s over 100 publications, both in English and Chinese, have been published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Climate Changes, World Development, Environmental and Resource Economics, World Development, etc. He also has published op-eds in Huffington Post, Resource Magazines and Chinese newspapers.
Jintao Xu received his bachelor of engineering degree from Jilin University of Technology (1984), Master of Agricultural Sciences from Beijing Forestry University (1988), Master in Economics (1996) and Ph.D. in Forestry and Forest Products (1999), both from Virginia Tech.