Beginning in 2019, Pennsylvania began the process of joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a voluntary and multi-state mechanism for managing carbon dioxide emissions from the electric power sector. RGGI establishes a multi-state market for carbon dioxide emissions, allowing emitters of greenhouse gases from the electric power sector to trade with one another. Given Pennsylvania’s position as a major power generator in the region, with fossil fuels like coal and natural gas important to the Commonwealth’s generation portfolio, the initiative of the Commonwealth to join RGGI is a major step. Starting in the spring of 2020, the Center for Energy Law and Policy convened an interdisciplinary group of researchers and students to conduct an independent examination of the prospects for Pennsylvania and the region should Pennsylvania move forward with joining RGGI. Our interdisciplinary team represented the following areas (Penn State faculty leads noted):

In Fall 2020, the Center for Energy Law and Policy sponsored a series of research-based webinars around the team’s RGGI research. To view any of the webinars, click on the link below. (Note: links will open in a new window.)

Read the interdisciplinary working paper on Pennsylvania joining RGGI.

Read the technical modeling appendix to the Center for Energy Law and Policy RGGI report.

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